How to Shampoo your Hair System

Hair Systems need a lot of care. Aside from the usual maintenance; you also need to keep them clean regularly. It might seem counterintuitive to use the usual hair products like shampoo and conditioners; since many of these products are rough on the system and may damage it. However, a dirty hair system is not going to improve your looks and appeal; and so shampooing and conditioning become a necessary evil that must only be done 1 to 2 times per week. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Start by soaking your hair and head first. Pour shampoo into your hand and work it into your natural hair; lathering continuously. After you finish lathering you natural hair; gently start moving the shampoo over your hair system.
  • Next, apply the shampoo to your hair system and underlying scalp by patting it gently on the area with your hands to spread it. Avoid scrubbing and rubbing motions with your fingers.
  • Lastly, rinse your entire head with the water flowing in one direction. Make sure to keep the system’s hairs facing the same direction as well to avoid nasty tangling.

No one wants to touch and smell a dirty hair system. Neither would you want to wear one. Shampooing once or twice a week helps keep your hair system clean and fresh.Nuvida Hair Replacement Studio Salon  offers a complete range of hair care solutions like Hair Replacement Services, Repair Services, Salon Services, Hair Extensions, Coloring, Barbering, Hair Cutting, and Styling Services. We are Atlanta’s best Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Center (NSHR).  Give us a call at 404-889-8945, or send us an e-mail at for all of your questions and for more information. You may also choose to book your salon schedule online.